Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I Will Not Be Silent

This year is going to be a year full of excitement and promises as we walk with Father and allow Him to order our footsteps.  I spoke earlier with one of my college students from Shaw University and she was filling me in on the events which had taken place since I had last seen them on Sunday.  The opportunity came for she and some other students to speak out about a situation of confusion and violence that had taken place in the cafeteria.

They chose to speak out and confront the forces of evil head on.  After a while they were asked to leave the cafeteria because they were causing a disturbance and the other students were not eating. People began to call them crazy, and ridicule them  They said things like it don't take all that.  I'm a Christian myself and it don't take all that was the comment made by one of the resident advisors.

As I was thinking over everything that she shared with me and the bold stand for righteousness that these 7 young women made I asked myself when was the last time I stood on top of a cafeteria table with a bible and cried out repent! Repent! For the Kingdom of Heaven is near!  What about you! When was the last time you decided enough is enough and you would no longer tolerate the blatant sin that was all around you.  You would no longer keep silent and cower away to the other side of the room, the office, the cafeteria, the classroom, etc.

Would you operate like other so called Christians that watched them be persecuted and ridiculed but did not stand up with them, but hung their head in shame. Would you join them in their crusade for holiness or turn and look away. Saying the same exact words as others, "It don't take all that."

Our theme for this 2011 year is Wasting Our Lives for Jesus!  It will take all of that and a whole lot more.  We cannot be silent in this year and expect to achieve results that will make an impact on those we encounter.  Because the Shaw students boldly spoke Truth their words were heard and people were affected by it. How many will we choose to affect by opening our mouths against the lies that the enemy has fed our nation, our families, our young people and the people we encounter each and every day. Our Pastor often says that our silence means that we are in agreement.

Our agreement should be this! "I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes!"  If we are not ashamed of the Gospel then we cannot be ashamed or fearful before men to open our mouths and speak God's word.  God's Word is Truth. Let's not be silent!


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